And the winner is….

Congratulations to the winner of the 2018 Ottawa Brain Bee, MELISA ERASLAN, a grade 11 student from Colonel By Secondary School!  In our highest-scoring Brain Bee to date, Melisa came out on top, winning a paid research internship in the lab of Dr. Alfonso Abizaid, and will be representing Ottawa at the National Brain Bee in Hamilton on May 26th.  David Zhu, also of Colonel By, came second, and Sofia Cuetara, of St Joseph Catholic High School came third.  We are very proud of ALL our competitors, and are looking forward to Melisa competing in Hamilton later this month!

If you are a high school student in the Ottawa area and would like to compete in the Brain Bee next year, check out the Brain Bee study resources page and stay tuned as we will be running prep sessions again starting in January of 2019.