Volunteers Needed for Brain Awareness Week

We need you!

Every year the Society for Neuroscience (SfN) Ottawa chapter holds Brain Awareness Week, where our volunteers visit schools in the Ottawa area to teach students about the brain. This year

our annual Brain Awareness Week is going virtual and being extended for an extra week! From March 1-12 we need your help to deliver presentations to students ranging from elementary to high school. If you are a faulty member, contract instructor, graduate student, or 3rd or 4th year undergraduate student in Neuroscience or a related discipline, please consider volunteering to help with this fun and educational outreach activity!

About the Presentations

All presentations are being delivered virtually this year, to help keep everyone as safe as possible. This also means you get to present from the comfort of your own home! Online training will be available from February 15-28. New volunteers are paired with an experienced volunteer who has presented for Brain Awareness Week in the past and will receive all the necessary training for their presentation. You will work directly with a teacher to set up a date and time between March 1-12 for the presentation that works with your schedule.

Since all presentations are being delivered virtually, all you need to have is a private, quiet workspace with a stable Wi-Fi connection. Presentations will be delivered via Google meet and training on using this platform will be provided.

This is a great opportunity for post-grads and current students alike to connect with the community and pass on your passion for neuroscience. Carleton undergraduate students can also add this volunteer position to their CCR.

If you would be interested in volunteering for SfN and Brain Awareness Week you can fill out the following registration form. For more information about volunteering for Brain Awareness Week visit website link here or contact us directly at brain.awareness.sfn@gmail.com.